Daughters Saint Teresa - Cebu Philippines
Christ in the Mysticism of Saint Teresa
May 27, 2013
Biography of Arch. Teofilo B. Camomot, D.D.
August 31, 2015

Beatification of Arch. Teofilo B. Camomot, D.D.

teofilo camomot

teofilo camomot

The Cebu archdiocese has formed commission to pursue the beatification of Msgr.Teofilo Camomot, a native of Carcar who was known for his genuine service and generosity to the poor.

Claims of miracles attributed to Msgr. Camomot circulated after he was reportedly seen in two different places at the same time while he was still serving the clergy of Cebu, according to Lungsoranon, the official newsletter of the Cebu church.

Evidence of one authentic miracle is needed for the Vatican to declare a member of the faithful ?blessed?. Two miracles are needed for sainthood.

Camomot, 74, died in a road accident on Sept. 27, 1988 on his way home to Carcar from barangay Mabolo, Cebu City.

Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal formed the commission last December 27.

The members are retired Bishop Antonio Ranola as the instructor and Episcopal delegate, Postulator Msgr. Dennis Villarojo, Promotor of Justice Msgr. Raul Go, Notary Rev. Jasper John Petralba, and Adjunct Notary Ms Trinidad Calleno.

Theological censors Msgr. Guillermo Gorre, Msgr. Marnell Mejia and Rev Fr. Patricio Ornopia and the experts in historical matters, Rev Fr. Marvin Mejia, Rev. Fr. Ramon Ofredo and Msgr Cayetano Gelbolingo were also included in the commission.

During the meeting, the Mother Superior of the Daughters of St. Theresa, the congregation established by Msgr. Camomot, read their petition to open the investigation for the beatification so that he would be hailed as a saint by the Vatican in the future.

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints gave a ?nihil obstat? which signifies their non-objection and for the petitioner to start the formal investigation on the life and virtue of the candidate for sainthood.

Cardinal Vidal formed the commission to investigate the merits of the late priest, and start the beatification process for Msgr. Camomot. Final approval of the process is made by the Vatican.


Almighty and ever-living God, it was your grace and the love of you that made your servant, TEOFILO CAMOMOT, devote his life as priest and bishop, a life of self-abnegation, constant prayer and generous love for the poor and the needy. Grant that his virtues provide a lasting
example for all and merit the approval of the Church that he be raised to the altars.

As a sign of your benevolence to your servant’s cause, we humbly implore you to bestow upon us this favor…(mention your request)
In the name of Jesus, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.

(Then recite one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.)